Live Booking = Live Search + Live Availability
Benefits of using Direct Booking Engine
Direct booking without OTA fees
Increase profits upto 20-50% when you communicate with guests directly
Enhances sales efficiency by freeing sales team to offer a greater customer experience
Personalized Discounts and Offers
Faster Check-In

Zenya’ Direct Booking Engine allows you to manage and control every step of direct booking— listing properties, marketing, pricing to guest management.
Real time availability and charges
Without picking the phone, guest can book units instantly looking at real-time unit availability and prices. Guests can conduct property search by location, unit type or date and review building, amenities including pictures. They can book instantly or offline with request to book. And easily share the selected unit details with your friends or family members
Secure more direct booking with custom rates
Offer your corporate customers custom rates as part of live booking process. Zenya allows you to apply custom rates like seasonal rates, discounted rates and create custom quotes, encouraging more bookings
Online Payment preferences
Once your guest select the property, then and there guests can make secure online payments with CC details and completes the booking process, saving time.
Integrated background check
Know your guests and protect your property from fraud& chargeback with instant background check. System can be configured to do real-time background check based on each customer profile like SSN number, DOB, address details.
Personalize & automate lease agreements
Personalize agreements with your company’s terms and conditions and automatically send it to your guests. You can digitally sign lease agreements and save time — no download or printing is required.
Automate your message at every stage of direct booking
Booking engine easily create communication workflows with automated messages and send it to your guests. For ex. your staff don’t have to manually send welcome messages. Be it contactless check-in messages for online registration & CC authorization or check-in info like address, parking, wi-fi details – all these communication can be automated.